Died: 30 April 1964

Anna is pictured on pages 34 at her grandfather, Traugott Seidemann’s 79th Birthday Party holding her oldest child, Viola (Beimborn) Ziorgen in 1907, on page 36 with her parents and siblings, and on page 40 with her husband and their 10 children in the 4th edition of the Seidemann Family Tree Book. She is also listed on pages 92 with her entire family and on page 426 where she is listed as winning a prize at our 2ndSeidemann Family Reunion (1934) for the mother of the largest family with 10 children, eight of whom were present. She was a fourth generation descendant of Friedrich and Rosina Seidemann and her genealogy line is as follows: Friedrich, Traugott, Mary, and Anna.