Died: 2 October 2011
Gerner, John E. 86 years, died 2 October 2011. He is the only child of Walter and Rose (Kieckhafer) Gerner. He is survived by his wife Carol (Yahr) Gerner, five children; John (Karen) Gerner, Doug (Diane) Gerner, Mike (Claudia) Gerner, Jean (Dan) Daley, and Terry (Liz) Gerner, fourteen grandchildren, four great-grandchildren, other relatives and many friends.
John was enlisted in the United States Navy and was stationed in the South Pacific during World War II. He joined the family business and played a key role though out his 39 year career in the growth and business of Bend Industries. In his youth, he was an avid snow skier, water skier, and tennis player. Later, he focused on woodworking. John was always eager to get involved and lend a helping hand at any time. He loved spending time with his family and friends. He was active in his church, Kiwanis, and volunteered at Bethesda, and the Full shelf Food pantry in his home town. He led by example and will forever be remembered for his strong work ethic, generosity, humility, and his ability to have a good time with any group. He was well respected, loved and viewed as a role model by his children.
John is listed on page 330 in the 4th edition of the Friedrich Seidemann Family Tree Book. He and Carol are also listed on page x as they were Patrons of this book. His 5th generation genealogy line lists as follows; Friedrich, Johanna, Edwin, Walter, John.