Died: 12 November 2018
Jakubcik, Sandra (Langdon) 75 yrs. passed away 15 November 2018. Surviving her is her loving husband Bill Jakubcik, and her devoted sisters Becky (Ronald) Melton and Judy (Stanley) Oleksik. She will be greatly missed by her daughter Susan, son-in-law Richard and grandson, Andrew. She leaves behind many caring and kind friends who spent a lot of time visiting, bringing meals and lifting her spirits over the last few weeks.
Sandra attended Princess Anne High School in Virginia Beach and graduated from Leigh Memorial Hospital in Norfolk as a Licensed Practical Nurse. She lived in Reston, VA for many years as well as Stuart, FL and Newport News, VA. She was certified as a Master Gardener by the VCE and was an active member of the New Kent Quilters and the Lions Club.
The family received visitors from 1 to 4 PM, Saturday, 8 December at Vincent Funeral Home, 9923 Pocahontas Trail, Providence Forge, VA 23140. In lieu of flowers, the family requested donations be made to the Hospice House and Support Care of Williamsburg www.williamsburghospice.org. Tributes may be posted at www.vincentfh.com.
Sandra is a 6th generation descendant of Friedrich and Rosina Seidemann. Her genealogy line is as follows: Friedrich, Friedericka, Hugo, Scott, Edna, and Sandra. She is listed with her family on page 206 in the fourth edition of the History and Family Tree of the Friedrich Seidemann Family.