Died: 26 July 2012
Krueger, Neil L, 58 years died on 26 July 2012. His loved ones include his beloved wife and best friend Antoinette Krueger and their loving children; Nathaniel (Jennifer), Nicole, Angi (Erik Islo), and Alexis Krueger. He was the proud son of Doris (Palmer) Groth and the late Verlyn Krueger. Neil was the brother of Nancy (Dave) Gonia, Sandra Abbott, James, Larry, Linda (Rick) Bruss, Jeanne (Tom) Bonlender, and the late Sally Krueger. He is further survived by other relatives and many friends.
Neil was an administrative law judge with the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development in the Workers Compensation Division’s Milwaukee office since he began working for the state in 1988, an official with the agency said Friday.
He is listed on page 86 of the 4th edition of the Friedrich Seidemann Family Tree Book and is a 7th generation descendant of Friedrich and Rosina Seidemann. His genealogy line is as follows; Friedrich, Traugott, Mary, Ida, Edna, Doris, and Neil.
He will be greatly missed by his family and friends.