Died: 5 September 1964
Walter is pictured in the fourth edition of the Friedrich Seidemann Family Tree Book on page 150 as a baby and as an older brother, on page 151 with his wife Vera when they stood up for Frieda (Luft) and Alfred Parlow’s wedding, on page 154 with his wife Vera on their wedding day, their 45th wedding anniversary, and with their two sons Waldemar and Warren, and on page 155 with his wife Vera, their children, and their grandchildren. Walter is also listed on page 146 as owning the Luft homestead with his wife Vera from 1918 to 1946 and on page 174 he is listed with his wife, their children, their grandchildren, their great grandchildren, and their great, great grandchildren. Walter is a fourth generation descendant of Friedrich and Rosine Seidemann and his genealogy line is as follows: Friedrich, Christiana, Wilhelm, and Walter.