Died: 9 July 2007

Warren is pictured in the fourth edition of the Friedrich Seidemann Family Tree Book on page 154 with his parents and his brother Waldemar, on page 155 with his grandparents, wife Dorothy, their children, his brother Waldemar and his wife and children, on page 156 with his wife Dorothy on their wedding day, on page 157 with their children and grandchildren, with his brother Waldemar, and at the Luft Farm Centennial in 1966. He is also pictured on page 432 with the Stony Hill Stagecoach which he built, brought to the Seidemann Family Reunions, and gave rides to children from the 1960’s to the 1980’s. He is listed on page xi as a volunteer when he helped us make sure we had the right names on the right pictures, especially with the Luft family. He is also listed on page 175 with his wife, their children, and their grandchildren. Warren is a fifth generation descendant of Friedrich and Rosine Seidemann and his genealogy line is as follows: Friedrich, Christiana, Wilhelm, Walter, and Warren.