Died: 31 December 1981

Art is pictured in the 4th edition of the Friedrich Seidemann Family Tree Book on page 34 as a baby being held by his mother Ida Seidemann at his great grandfather Traugott’s 79th birthday party in 1907, on page 60 as a young boy with his cousin Erwin, on page 64 with siblings, on page 65 with his brother Raymond and sister Clara, on page 69 as a young lad, 7and on page 70 with his wife on their wedding day. Art is also listed on page 130 with his parents, his wife, their children, grandchildren, and their great grandchildren and on page 425 when the story of why he dropped the second “n” from his last name. He is a fourth generation descendant of Friedrich and Rosine Seidemann and his genealogy line is as follows: Friedrich, Traugott, Henry, and Arthur.