Seideman, Raymund F.

Died: 23 April 2004

Ray is pictured in the 4th edition of the Friedrich Seidemann Family Tree Book on page iii with his wife Clara where we dedicated the book to them. He is also pictured on page 34 standing next to Traugott, his grandfather at Traugott’s 79thbirthday party. On page 63 Ray is pictured with Petra Seidemann Matschulla from Germany, his children, his grandchildren, and his great grandchildren at the Seidemann Reunion in 2000.  Ray is also pictured on page 64 as a young lad and with his siblings. Page 65 he is pictured with his brother Art Seideman and sister Clara (Seidemann) Kurtz. On page 66 are pictures of him as a baby, at  his confirmation, and with his wife Clara (Gerner) Seidemann on their wedding day. On page 68 he is pictured in a fifth generation picture with his daughter Marion, his granddaughter Cindy, his great granddaughter Yvonne, and his great, great granddaughter Taylor. On page 251 he is pictured with his wife Clara (Gerner) Seidemann and their children. Page 430 he is seen dancing a polka at the age of 101 years with his daughter Phyllis in 2003 and on page 431 he is standing in front of the Seidemann Family quilt in 1993 at the age of 91. On page 432 also at the Seidemann Family Reunion he is pictured as the oldest man at the Reunion at the age of 101 years young. 

Ray is listed on page x as a patron memorial given in loving memory of him by his friends and family. On page 6 Ray is listed as we credited Clara and him for their efforts in gathering information for future Seidemann Reunions. Page 25 listed his name for purchasing Rosina (Seidemann) Schubert’s spinning wheel so that it would stay in our family. On page 29 Ray is listed as telling his story of how as a young boy, he helped his mother Ida (Meuschke) Seidemann plant and care for the flowers on Friedrich and Rosine’s graves. Page 33 mentions Ray and Clara (Gerner) Seideman as owners of the Seidemann Century Farm. On page 125 to 130 listed Ray with his parents, his wife, their children, their grandchildren, and their great grandchildren, and their great, great grandchild. Pages 336 to 340 list his wife Clara (Gerner) Seideman’s family, him, their children, their great grandchildren, their great, great grandchildren and their great, great grandchild. Page 425 explains the history of the site of the Seidemann Reunions which are at Ray & Clara (Gerner) Seideman Farm. Page 426 Ray writes about the first two Seidemann Family Reunions. Page 427 explains why Ray and Clara built the large 60’ by 126’ building to display antiques, artifacts, and family heirlooms. 

Ray is a fourth generation descendant of Friedrich and Rosine Seidemann and his genealogy line is as follows: Friedrich, Traugott, Henry, and Raymund.