Died: 6 September 1969

Ed is pictured in the 4th edition of the Friedrich Seidemann Family Tree Book on page 34 at his grandfather Traugott’s 79th birthday party where he played the trombone in the band, on page 56 where he is pictured with his parents and siblings, and on page 58 with his wife Martha on their wedding day. Ed is listed on page 6 where he is credited for gathering information on the Wermuth side of the family for the Seidemann records and from the United States Army regarding information on Friedrich Seidemann (Friedrich and Rosine’s son) who died in Civil War service. Ed is listed on page 115 with his parents, his siblings, and his wife. He is also listed on page 426 with his father as taking photographs at our second reunion. Two of those photos are on pages 433 and 434. Edward is a fourth generation descendant of Friedrich and Rosine Seidemann and his genealogy line is as follows: Friedrich, Traugott, Fredrick, and Edward.
Note: The newspaper spelled his name with one “n” however he spelled it with two, Seidemann