Died: 1 October 1943
Fred is pictured in the 4th edition of the Friedrich Seidemann Family Tree Book on page 33 with his parents , his wife – Hulda (Meuschke) Seidemann), is first child Henry, and his siblings. On page 34 he is pictured at his father Traugott’s 79th birthday party. On page 56 he is shown with his wife Hulda on their wedding day, a picture of him as an adult, and a picture of him with his wife Hulda (Meuschke) Seidemann and their children. He is listed on page 6 he is credited with helping to collect information of names and addresses of all family members. On page 27 Fred purchased Friedrich and Rosine Seidemann Farm from his Uncle Carl and Margaret (Kessel) Seidemann. Page 29 mentions that the plaque for Friedrich and Rosine Seidemann was donated in loving memory of Frederick and Hulda Seidemann’s daughter Anna (Seidemann) Klahn made by Anna son – Merlin Klahn. Fred is listed on pages 114 to 123 with his parents, his wife, their children, their grandchildren, their great grandchildren, their great, great grandchildren, their great, great, great, grandchildren. On page 380 Fred is listed that he purchased Friedrich and Rosine’s Farm on 1 March 1884. On page 426 in the article about The First Two Family Reunions written by Raymund Seidemann, Fred Seidemann is listed as having the idea to have a family reunion. The rest is history!
Fred is a third generation descendant of Friedrich and Rosine Seidemann and his genealogy line is as follows: Friedrich, Traugott, and Fredrick.