Died: 24 September 1919

Margaretha died at the age of 60 years
Margaretha is pictured in the 4th edition of the Friedrich Seidemann Family Tree Book on page 379 with his husband Carl Seidemann, and on page 382 in front of their house with her husband Carl and their family. She is list on page vii as Cliff Hall’s great grandmother, on page 27 stating that Margaretha and her husband Carl sold the Seidemann Homestead to Traugott’s son Fred Seidemann, on page 28 in the list of Friedrich and Rosine’s children with Johann Karl Seidemann’s wife, on page 29 stating that two of her infant sons were buried behind St John’s Church, on page 380 with her history, on page 381 with her husband Carl (Johann Karl Seidemann) and their children, and on pages 399 to 423 with all of their descendants.