Died: 5 October 2006

Donald is pictured in the fourth edition of the Friedrich Seidemann Family Tree Book on page viii with other members of the Seidemann Book Committee and on page 189 with her parents Gustav and Florence Trepte, his wife Dorothea, his sister, Lois, and his brother Ralph. He is also listed on page vii telling about his life and the fact that he was the President of the Seidemann Family Reunion Committee for the last 20 years. He is also listed on page 209 with his parents Gustav and Florence, his wife “Dottie”, their two children: Terry and Candice, their grandchildren, and their great grandchild. Don is a fifth generation descendant of Friedrich and Rosine Seidemann and his genealogy line is as follows: Friedrich, Friedericka, Elizabeth, Gustav, and Donald.